Jun 1, 2020

Life, My Dog's Health & Store - Updates


To my dear friends, loved customers, amazing bloggers, great event owners & groups

NOTE - PLEASE READ HERE: This is a really personal post.
I'll talk about my current health and the reasons of my dog's death.
What I'm trying to do is spread awareness and info about his disease to maybe be able to help another dog not go through all that pain.
If you don't feel like reading it please don't.
I do not want to cause any harm nor make you feel bad or anxious. 
Thank you for understanding.

First of all I'd like to apologize for my absence.
It really has been a tough period for everyone and I hope you and your loved ones are safe.
As for me, I got sick and had to stay away from everyone for a certain amount of time.
I couldn't work on any project since I really felt exhausted.
I feel a little better now but still not 100%. 
Meanwhile I was still taking care of my dog.

I don't know if any of you remembers but in November I made a store sale to be able to pay vets, exams and clinics.
If you'd like to check the older post: Mainstore Sale and Pupper Health Update
After he came back home with me we went back and forth to the clinic for checks.
I told them that in my opinion something else was off.
I wanted more exams...

They told me to "not google that much" and that they were treating him for all the health issues he was having.
The same vet got mad at me for calling each day asking how my dog was doing since I couldn't even see him or he would cry, disturb (their words) and cause agitation to the dog.
I understood that but I haven't seen my dog on and off for weeks since he came back home but then had to go back to the clinic and I wanted to at least know if he was ok and I was always calling during "call hours".


I wasn't happy.
I wasn't happy of the lack of empathy those vets had, I wasn't happy of the treatments, I wasn't happy about the neurologist that was following him and many other things.

I was afraid to move him since he was having epilectic attacks and there was no animal transport available. I was afraid he would have an attack while he was in the car with me. 

As soon they told me he was good enough and ready to be moved we paid and changed clinic and it hasn't been a smooth process.

The wake-up call happen when I finally went in and was able to see him.
HIS FUR WAS YELLOW ON ONE SIDE which means they didn't even turn him on the other side or clean him.
They would let him piss himself and didn't clean him properly. I WAS MAD. 
Maltese have fluffly white fur and for having that kind of yellow shade means they neglected him for days!
I yelled at them and I just wanted to get him out of there.
It's a known clinic and I thought he would have been in good hands after all even if they were rude to me saying I was "too anxious".

Once we arrived to the new clinic they made it clear that nothing could be done. 

Let me explain:

While we were chainging clinic (pandemic and my health issues didn't help the process) he was doing a little better.
He was home, slowly walking, eating and gaining a little weight. I was taking care of him and cleaning him up.
His fur was turning white again but while doing that I saw he was losing fur.
(weird thing for a Maltese)

One night while he was home he started crying and woke me up.
I escorted him to his pee/potty pad and started having diarreha but I thought it was cos of the food.
After that we went back to sleep.
The next morning he started crying again and I saw he wasn't able to get up.
His back legs weren't moving, they were cold to the touch and he kept having diarreha.
We rushed to the clinic and they started all the possible treatments but they told me nothing could be done and there was only one way to make him stop suffer.

TRUST ME I know many people went through this with their family/loved ones.
I went throught it with my grandmother.
Im sorry if you had to go through that and I totally respect your suffering.
Many might say "it's just a dog" but for 13 years he has been my family, my baby, my best friend, my love and he helped me with my mental health.
(I struggle with anxiety)
I needed him more than he actually needed me cos he was a stong indipendent dog.
A strong, amazing, smart (bossy at times) dog.
This has been the most hard and devastating decision I have ever made.
I stayed with him during the whole process since I could NEVER leave him alone.
He was my baby. I wanted him to know he was loved, I was there for him and he was safe.
I hugged him and kissed him.

He passed away the 29th of April 2020.

A thrombus/blood clot was the reason why his back legs weren't moving.
Im devastated, angry at the first clinic and at myself because I knew something was off and I didn't act faster.
I'm mad cos I'm still paying that clinic each month and will have to continue paying it for a while.
It's a constant reminder of what happen.
I'll talk with a lawyer about this.
Let me be clear: I don't want money back nor I'll stop paying the clinic.
I will continue paying but I want them to realise the mistake and avoid any other pet loss.

I was afraid to move him cos of his attacks but now I'm feeling guilty for not doing it faster.
I'm not a doctor, I'm not a vet and I really tried my best to help him but still the guilt is killing me.

My dog had a metabolic syndrome known as Cushing Disease.
I was right. Something was off and the previous clinic didn't see it.

If anyone thats reading has a Maltese, Poodle, Dachshund, Boston Terrier, Boxer, and Beagle over the age of six (6) 

PLEASE watch these videos and ask your vet to make the correct blood/urine tests.
Cushing's Disease (part 1) - Cushing's Disease (part 2) - Cushing's Disease (part 3)

It can be "treated" with meds in found in time but if not it can cause inflammations, blood clots, symmetrical loss of fur and many other symptoms.
In the early stages it's a silent disease that will escalate quickly.

I miss him so much. I loved him and will love him forever.
I'm sorry if this post was TMI (too much info) but I'd like to help someone avoid a loss if possible by sharing my experience.

I tried to work on SL a little to help myself to not think but it's not easy.
I apologize for any event I missed or else.
I'll do my best to catch up.

Thank you for reading and thank you for your constant support.
